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In the Spotlight

Starting at Marvel When I started as a support agent at Marvel, I had no plans of becoming a developer. I had recently finished design school and was looking for an interesting day job where I could do some freelancing on the side. Not only did I find an interesting job, but I found one where I was surrounded by… Read More →

Could you tell us a bit about yourself? Who are you? And what are you working on? I’m Michelle, Design Manager at Moneybox. I joined about a year and a half ago when we were only two designers, and we’ve been scaling the team ever since. We’re now a team of ten designers, and as we’ve scaled, it’s been really… Read More →

Jason Lung is a Senior UX Designer at Tesco Bank, the personal finance arm of one of the UK’s main supermarket brands. Starting his career as a web designer, he’s witnessed the shift toward UX and has learned how to be user-centered in the process. Tell me how you got started in UX? My career started back in the early… Read More →

Hi Will! Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you, and what are you working on? I’m Will Thomas, I’m the Head of Design at Nested. Since being at Nested I’ve worked on all sorts of projects, including a complete rebrand with a fantastic studio called Point Studio. I’ve completely redesigned the product, and designed the design recruitment process… Read More →

As part of our series of interviews with the design and creative community, we had the pleasure of interviewing James Terry, CPO and co-founder at Dishpatch about his journey into design, and how he thinks about building a product in a new category. Tell me a bit about yourself! Who are you, and what are you working on? Hi, I’m… Read More →

Get to know the people behind Marvel and the importance of being customer-centric in today’s world.

How the diversity of thought has led to a better outcome for Marvel and the reasons behind our changes.

Find out how co-founder Martin Ollivere built Archetype, a typographical design system editable live in the browser.

Interview with Edoardo Rainoldi, founder of rooki.design about his design workflow and challenges of his passion project

Learn how Josh keeps organised with his workflow and how you can turn your developers into design advocates.

“I often think about the fact that the people who will become my students in 2030 are now in elementary school. This new generation grows up on iPads, surrounded by screens, and they often take it for granted,” Sam Anvari, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at California State University Long Beach School of Art, tells us. “It definitely requires a… Read More →

You might have noticed that your emails are getting answered around the clock! This is because we have expanded our team to cover all timezones. If you read our Support Team Journey, you’ll have heard about our new remote global team. As our user base has expanded globally, it’s been on our radar to make the necessary changes so we’re… Read More →
