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In the Spotlight

Why the time has come for disruptors in the financial industry Many factors play into this, but the big ones are changes in regulation and technology. Regulation, especially in the UK, has encouraged competition in retail banking for a few years now ā€” and more changes are on their way in the form of required open banking APIs, for example…. Read More →

What was the moment that you knew you wanted to work in design? I think I’d always done design. It’s funny, at school I studied information technology and always gravitated much more to the design of the interface, rather than the underlying software and systems – which is really what it’s trying to teach. It was only after leaving, after… Read More →

Support is at the very heart of Marvel. We’re the pulse that can be checked with every business decision and the gateway to creating a great product. If you were to look at our team today you’d see a full team, with iterative processes, measurable objectives and key results. A team with goals and the resources to focus and achieve… Read More →

What was the moment you knew you wanted to work in design? I had no idea what I wanted to study in college, so I picked something that sounded fun: film. And it was! But I had lots of other interests and also took classes in psychology, computer science, theatre design. When I saw a web design course listed it… Read More →

Digital products have come a long way and so many teams are more agile than ever before. With continuous delivery, quick turnarounds and back-to-back release dates, running into production bugs every now and then is natural. At Marvel we, the support team, have developed a fool proof bug reporting method to help you squash those bugs in double time. ????????… Read More →

What was the moment that you knew you wanted to be a designer? How did you get to where you are now? In the beginning, as a teenager, I did a lot of free work for some small local business in the area where I lived. Then I started to publish my work and find more clients online. I gained… Read More →

Using tools can be confusing, frustrating and [fill in the blank]! However, when it comes to using Marvel, youā€™ll always have a helping hand. Our customer team are always on hand to answer any questions or help solve any problems you might have. Whether itā€™s experiencing a bug or just figuring out how something works, weā€™re super dedicated to our… Read More →

We areĀ laser focused on changing how design is done, by making it more inclusive, collaborative and productive. Marvel is used by millions of people with ever varying use cases, from design, to sales, to development – and it’s our goal to keep our platform versatile and scalable. So read on to get the full recap on how Marvel has evolved… Read More →

The Rise of the Emoji It all began long ago with facial expressions made out of punctuation ā€“ labelled emoticons: : – ) : – ( ; – ) 8 – D The first emojis that resemble our beloved of today were created by a Japanese artist in 1999 and were officially ā€˜bornā€™ into mainstream social media culture in 2011… Read More →

As a Support team, we aim for an ambitious average First Response Time (FRT) target of under 3 hours and a C-Sat happiness rating of 90% or above. Whilst these metrics are used to track how well we do as a Support team, we cover much more ground for our customers beyond just responding in a timely and friendly manner…. Read More →

You might have noticed a small change in our first response messages to your emails – you guessed it. We’re now experimenting with using a bot. Not to worry though, the SupportBot is more of a helping hand than a replacement to your friendly support team. Our team is currently based in the UK whilst the majority of our customers… Read More →

As a support team we love hearing from our users how new features could help speed up their processes. Plus, it means we get to see first hand how Marvel users can help influence and shape the platform. Feedback and feature requests are essential to deciding the next steps we take at Marvel and often work their way into our… Read More →
