šŸ“¹ New! Remote User Testing - Get video + voice feedback on designs and prototypes
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Naomi Francis

Writing for Marvel. Writing for fun. Eating everywhere, all the time.

Itā€™s impossible to deny the impact that technology has had on the world when there are new methodologies, new roles and new disciplines emerging every year – ones that would make no sense to us pre-web era. One of the most recent weā€™ve seen arrive in the product sphere is ResearchOps, following closely behind DevOps and DesignOps. The field is… Read More →

When it comes to attracting, delighting and retaining customers, user experience design is often at the heart of your success. Improving the usability of your app, website or product, means your end-user will be able to navigate and achieve exactly what you intended them to. This is often perfected through user testing, a method long proven to test and improve… Read More →

With usability testing software on the rise, there is no reason why a designer can not run user tests quickly and effectively when needed. With the introduction of our own ux testing software, weā€™re on a mission to create the resources you need to run user testing sessions which help you validate ideas, including this user experience testing checklist. This… Read More →

Donā€™t skip this process, when it could save you time, money and improve your conversion rates in the long run

A good user experience is not something that can be created through simply following best practice or a robust UX design process.Ā  To truly learn what works for your end-user, you need to know how to test UX design. Each product has itā€™s own specific target audience, with their own unique needs and to address those needs you need to… Read More →

UX testing, or usability testing, comes in many forms and there isnā€™t really a one size fits all solution – especially if youā€™re working without a research team. As designers, you might experience time constraints, budget limitations or dry spells in other resources. Thatā€™s why introducing varied UX testing methodologies can present you with quick wins, that help you bridge… Read More →

Recently we hosted a webinar, An Introduction to User Testing in Marvel,Ā and received loads of great questions about how our new User Testing feature works and what’s coming up in the roadmap. Read the full list below and learn more about User Testing in Marvel. Setting up a Test Can you include follow up questions at the end of a… Read More →

The McKinsey Design Report in a Nutshell In October 2018, McKinsey & Company challenged our hunch about the business value of design. They carried out ā€œthe most extensive and rigorous research undertaken anywhere to study the business design actions that leaders can make to unlock the business value of design.ā€ 300 publicly listed companies across three industries (medical technology, consumer… Read More →

The digital age brought us the inevitable ā€˜Disruptorā€™ – companies that have transformed the traditional way industries operate through regular high impact innovation. With the arrival of itā€™s new Fin-Tech competitors, finance is an industry in particular that has felt significant impact. Banking, Insurance and other financial services have had long standing procedures that have granted their monumental success to… Read More →

Marvel has changed dramatically over the past few years, where we started as a tool for individual designers, we now have entire organisations working within the platform everyday, from design, research, right the way through to engineering. This led us to ask the question – how can Marvel help companies perform at the speed and scale they need to build… Read More →

This article is an excerpt from the Marvel eBook, The Book of Collaboration: Handoff Edition. Many designers and developers hesitate at the idea of collaboration because it sounds like accepting compromises. Nowhere is this dilemma more apparent than when our workflows overlap and the design is ready for developers to begin building. ā€œGreat products come from harmony between the design… Read More →
