We've been massively inspired by the stories we've been reading by our community, whether it's career experiences, case studies or just how to do something new in Sketch.
Now we want to help get your writing out to the world, that's why we're opening up our blog to our wonderful and diverse userbase. If you're interested in publishing your ideas on the Marvel blog, we want you to get in touch.
Why publish on our blog?
- Your name in lights - your post will be sent out to 330,000 people each week
- Each post will be circulated across our social media channels
- Each writer gets a care package of Marvel swag
What kind of post?
It can be anything related to creativity, design, tools, process, clients, behaviour, psychology - the list goes on!
How to get started:
Send us your ideas for articles to writers@marvelapp.com and we'll be in touch!